Product type: Discrete input module
Number of input groups: 4 (4)
Product Description: Discrete input module
Module ID: IC200MDL650F
Number of channels: 32 (32)
Number of channels per group: 8 (8)
Points: 32 input

The IC200MDL650F is a high density discrete input module for the GE VersaMax I/O platform. The module has thirty-two (32) input channels, supports positive and negative logic wiring configuration, is divided into four (4) groups, each group of eight (8) input channels. The module is rated for 250 VAC inter-group isolation, continuous and 1500 VAC continuous isolation with a duration of 1 minute. This type of module is commonly used in a variety of industrial applications, primarily for integrating input devices such as buttons, auxiliary contacts, limit switches, level switches, proximity sensors, and similar binary or on/off devices.
The input channel of the IC200MDL650F is designed to accept an input voltage signal range of 0-30 VDC, with a nominal input of 24 VDC. The module has on-state voltages of +15 to +30 VDC and off state voltages of 0 to +5 VDC, while on-state and off state current ratings are w.0 to 5.5 mA and 0 to 0.5 mA, respectively. For on-off and off-on channel state transitions, the response time is typically a maximum of 0.5 ms. In addition, the input channel provides configurable input filtering times that can be used to eliminate de-jitter, false positives, and false negative signals. Specifically, the available filter Settings are 0 ms, 1.0 ms, and 7.0 ms, with the default setting being 1.0 ms.

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